After seeing The Linda Lindas so soon before they released No Obligation and I had the honor of hearing some of the new tracks live, you know I jumped on this the day it came out!
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AWOLNATION – The Phantom Five, Album Review
I suppose I will blame an extremely busy summer for slacking on listening to new releases, but I also feel as though they all came out around the same time. With that, I’ve started getting into them with AWOLNATION’s latest, The Phantom Five.
Read moreEmpire of the Sun – Ask That God, Album Review
After everything with K-pop in August, I just didn’t have the time that a new Empire of the Sun album deserved. Now, though, Ask That God has gotten my full attention.
Read moreGlass Animals – I Love You So F***ing Much, Album Review
Nothing like an upcoming concert (read: tonight) for me to finally listen to Glass Animals’ latest album, I Love You So F***ing Much, in earnest.
Read moreHighly Suspect – As Above, So Below Album Review
Now that all the K-pop concerts are behind me for the year (I think), I could finally sit down and give proper attention to Highly Suspect’s latest album, As Above, So Below.
Read moreStray Kids – ATE, Mini-Album Review
I have been truly blessed this year in such a short amount of time with so much new K-pop! Just barely two and half months after ATEEZ’s latest banger, Golden Hour: Part 1, Stray Kids have upped the anti with their latest mini album, Ate.
Read moreWallows – Model, Album Review
With all of these bands that I love releasing albums practically back to back recently, the fact that Wallows dropped their third full length album, Model, last week with basically no promotion came as quite a surprise to me. A pleasant one, but still. Even though I follow them on social media, I must not be in the know enough for eavesdropping advertising or just straight up fan posts to fall through the cracks and into my feeds.
Read moreATEEZ – Golden Hour: Part 1, Mini Album Review
In my limited world of K-pop, I might have fallen for ATEEZ last, but I definitely fell for them the hardest. A lot of that might have to do with how accessible they still seem to fans despite their rising fame, but they also have a ton of great songs!
Read moretwenty one pilots – Clancy, Album Review
I’m going to be totally honest here, Scaled and Icy was a huge letdown of an album for me from a band that hadn’t disappointed prior. Of course that means I was going to walk into Clancy with a bit of trepidation. But I was a fool for thinking that way! Twenty One Pilots have rounded out this era with certified hits.
Read moreCage the Elephant – Neon Pill, Album Review
It’s absolutely bonkers to me that it’s been five years since Cage the Elephant released Social Cues, one of my favorite records from that year, but we’ve finally been given new music with the likes of Neon Pill. And a tour!
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