Off Broadway Review: Danny and the Deep Blue Sea

You will probably never catch me at a musical in New York, or anywhere for that matter. I paid my dues watching my sister throughout high school, so never again, thank you. Instead, you’ll be more likely to find me in attendance at a play. Especially if there are some high profile stars attached!

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Weekend Movie Review

Well, in a strange twist of fate I watched nothing at the theaters this weekend! A travesty! Instead, I watched four pretty dang good movies off of some different streaming platforms!

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Sundance Film Festival – Days 5, 6 & 7

While the Sundance Film Festival rides out until the 30th of this month, I have reached the end of my viewing road last night. That’s right, there were even more movies shoved into this past week! Days five through seven offered some pretty good films, including my favorite of the festival! Let’s dive in.

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Fan Art Friday: Aubrey Plaza

I think most people would know Aubrey Plaza from her time on The Office, but I am not one of those people. Yes, you read that right. I am one of the rare few who have never seen The Office. I am more familiar with her comedic and indie film work. That seems to be true for a lot of actors I like. What can I say? Indie films are my jam! With that being said, you’re really missing out if you’ve never seen Ingrid Goes West. It should be standard viewing! Anyway, here’s some artwork honoring this supremely talented actress!

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