Book Review: The Girl Who Lived Twice by David Lagercrantz

September is turning out to be a lot busier than I anticipated! All I’ve really managed to do is read, which is good, because fall TV is gearing up next week! With that, I got my hands on the latest Girl With the Dragon Tattoo novel by David Lagercrantz, who took over for Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Lived Twice.

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Book Review: The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

I’m sure I said this a few posts back, but I feel like I’ve been reading like a fiend these past couple months, and it continues with The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware! I was a huge fan of her first novel, In a Dark, Dark Wood, so I’m always excited to see what she’s got next. Earlier this year I read her latest installment, The Death of Mrs. Westaway, and that sucker stuck with me. Needless to say, I was very surprised when a new novel dropped just a few months after finishing that up – but it was a happy surprise!

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Lock Every Door by Riley Sager – Book Review

I feel like I’ve been ripping through books recently, and I’m not mad about it! Especially when my friend let me borrow newly released Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. After his prior two novels, Final Girls and The Last Time I Lied, I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this book! And let me tell you, it was worth the wait. Compared to his other two outings, this one sounded the least like the other two. Yes, it was told from a female’s perspective, but the tone and cadence reminded me more of Ruth Ware’s The Death of Mrs. Westaway.

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Book Review: No Exit by Taylor Adams

I was a super champ and finished another book in a relatively short amount of time (for me)! After the If I Run trilogy, I decided to stick with the high stakes running and picked up No Exit by Taylor Adams. Even though the cover art gave away that this book took place during the dead of winter, it was a refreshing surprise as I read it by the pool during a humid, 90-plus degree weekend!

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