Movie Review: Five Feet Apart and Avenues

My sister and I decided to torture ourselves this weekend by going to see Five Feet Apart, a story centering on two teens with Cystic Fibrosis who fall in love. Now, I am slightly more educated on Cystic Fibrosis, as one of my friend’s children is conflicted with this disease. Having that background, I know that these two teens can’t be together, especially given their particular severity. I’m going to keep this short, but spoily: cute and romantic dates, breaking the rules, someone dies from their recklessness, and then they have to separate or really they will both also die. It was sad, but not Fault in Our Stars sad.

On the other end of that spectrum, I watched an indie film written and directed by Michael Angarano (the uncle you love to hate, Nicky, from This Is Us), called Avenues. Michael teamed up with his Sky High and tennis buddy Nicholas Braun (Succession) as two friends who reconnect around the holidays, shortly after a brothers death essentially walking around the city and talking at each other. They meet up with two girls and hang out through the evening. Maybe I was missing something, but the dialogue was odd and even more terribly delivered by Michael Agangaro. It was a short film, but even so, I don’t recommend putting it on your list to watch.