Book Review: Breakfast with Scot by Michael Downing

On a whim a couple of weeks ago, I rented a 2005 comedy-drama, Breakfast with Scot, and was immediately taken with it. The film was warm, charming, comical, and oddly topical for 2005. After watching the film, naturally I looked it up online and found that it was based off a book by the same name written by Michael Downing. After that, it took me all of ten seconds before I had a request out for it at my local library.

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9-1-1 Lone Star – Season 3 Review

Not sure why, but this year I wasn’t feeling the weekly recap for 9-1-1 Lone Star. Maybe that’s because I wasn’t watching nearly as many network dramas. Regardless, I kind of wish that I had because this season got a longer episode order (18) and a lot of stuff went down! I’ll try my best to cover it, an there will likely be spoilers, so you’ve been warned.

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