Mini Mansions Self-Titled Album Review

It’s hard to believe this band has been around since 2009! I first heard of Mini Mansions a few years ago with a song off of their third full length album. Up until my recent obsession with The Last Shadow Puppets, I hadn’t really considered giving the rest of the band’s catalog much time. Obviously, that’s changed. Instead of starting with what I knew, I decided to start from the beginning with their self-titled debut album.

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Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

I do believe my love for this band in never-ending. The Last Shadow Puppets have only released two albums over the course of 13 years, but I hope me being this late to the party means that they are close to putting out a third (and hopefully not last) record. Watching old live performances on Youtube have been a joy and Alex Turner and Miles Kane are mesmerizing. It’s clear these two have fun on stage! In order to cement my love for them, here is another drawing. Fear not though, I’m sure there will be plenty more to come.

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