So-So Movie Weekend

Two flops and two wins made it into this weekend. All were extremely random in terms of story line and genre, but I’ve got an eclectic taste, so nothing ever seems that out of the ordinary for me. However, this doesn’t mean that everything I pick is going to land, and I think this weekend I was hindered by not watching trailers! Yes, they tend to give everything away now, but I think it would have deterred me from watching in a couple of cases. Anyways, here we go.

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Packed Tight Movie Weekend

In less than 72 hours, I’ve managed to squeeze five movies into my life without feeling like I’ve neglected any other area of my life. That is quite a feat! I also managed to accomplish this after cleaning up a bunch of glass off of my kitchen floor (courtesy of my cats)! As in the past few of these, rather than bore you with the details, I give my quick-take and a general summary of the films’ events in the hopes of helping you make some choices in your viewing leisure.

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Minimal Movie Review

I am fully aware that the number of movies I watched this weekend is in fact still above average compared to almost everyone I know. But two movies is almost pathetic! At least by my standards, and especially since I watched 25 movies last month. Oh well, it’s a slow start but I don’t doubt I’ll have a strong finish (even if it is getting nicer out). Now, there were onlt two movies, but they were fairly strong choices!

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