The Cleveland International Film Festival is upon us, and I got to experience a nice mix this year. Truthfully, I would have liked to have seen a lot more, but my schedule would sadly not allow it. Here’s what I did manage to fit in, though!

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Weekend Movie Review

Even after watching the entire Scream franchise last week, you know I had to make time for some other movies over the weekend. And yes, that did include another viewing of Scream 5. I stand by my thoughts on it in a spoiler-free capacity. Other than that, some other new films made the cut.

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Weekend Movie Review

It was a pretty average viewing this weekend, but fear not! It’s the calm before the holiday weekend storm, so I more than plan to make up for it in my next recap. Anyways, here’s a high level look at what I managed to watch this weekend.

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Weekend Movie Review

Well, turns out I was more busy last week than I had anticipated, so it looks like you guys are going to get stuck with another standard review from me. August has been turning out to be a pretty weak month of movies. Not necessarily by quality, but by quantity – and I want both! Regardless, here’s what made the cut this weekend.

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Weekend Movie Round-up

Ah, after last week’s unusual mediocrity, I have got my film viewings back up to snuff. On the lower end, but considering I did stuff with some people (say what??), the fact that I managed to squeeze these all in is quite the feat.

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