9-1-1 Lone Star – Final Season Review

I’m both surprised and sad that 9-1-1 Lone Star lasted five seasons. With its predecessor still rolling, I figured the audience was there for this particular Rob Lowe led series. I guess I was wrong. At least the writers for this show knew this was the final push, though they were given less episodes to tie it all together.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Final Season

Sadly, earlier this year, Netflix announced that part four the dark supernatural show, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, would be its last. What a freaking bummer! I was a little nervous because they had filmed parts three and four simultaneously, so I wasn’t sure if it was going to get a good ending. No one likes a cliffhanger that will never get resolved! After finishing the eight episodes the other day, I was quite pleased with what went down. I’ll try to be a non-spoilery as possible going forward, so let’s go witches!

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Final Season – 13 Reasons Why

All things considered, I watched the final season of 13 Reasons Why pretty quick in the world of binge-watching! When I first heard the air date of the last batch of episodes, I thought, “man, that was a quick turnaround.” But then I remembered that I waited an awful long time to watch the third installment. At least all of the events were more fresh in my head.

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Fuller House Series Finale

I’ll be honest, I waited a few days to review the finale nine episodes of Fuller House because I watched them embarrassingly quick. Unlike others, I am not a fan of binge-watching, but in a little over a day I burned through these episodes like they were my life-blood. I laughed and teared up, and it was totally what I was expecting to experience with this last batch of new episodes and nostalgia.

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Schitt’s Creek Series Finales Gives Us “Happy Endings”

You read that right, the series finale of Schitt’s Creek aired on Tuesday night, and it feels like the saddest ending of an era. Even though I was a latecomer to this hilarious Canadian comedy, it took approximately five episodes for me to fall in love with these people, and I mean more than just the Roses. So sadly, this is the last time you’ll ever be reading about Schitt’s Creek here.

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