4th of July Movie Weekend

Now, I wouldn’t say any of these movies were patriotic, but the holiday weekend did provide me with more time to watch movies! So for that, I am thankful – ‘Merica!

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Tribeca Film Festival (At Home) – Week 1

As the world slowly starts to open back up, that means far away film festivals will once again become inaccessible to me unless I’m willing to travel and drop a lot of cash. Which, I’m not saying it’ll never happy, but for now I’m still glad to be offered a chance to partake in these awesome festivals from the comfort of my own home! Case in point: the Tribeca Film Festival! This is the first United States film festival that is taking place in person since the pandemic started, but they are still offering at home viewings of almost everything (except for No Sudden Move which I’m upset about). This festival takes place over the course of two weeks, so I’m splitting up my haul between the two, so here’s the first batch!

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Two New Movies with Two Very Different Reactions

I think that title tells you what you’re about to read here, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, my reaction will not be all too different from the critics who have already seen these films. The other day, Netflix released Hillbilly Elegy, which was adapted from the memoir of the same name by J.D. Vance. The very next day, Hulu released the holiday romantic comedy, Happiest Season. Based on that very limited information, I’m sure your assumptions of what was good and what was bad is actually wrong!

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AFI Film Festival

Not much good has come out of this pandemic, so imagine my surprise when something actually awesome happens?! Film Festivals all over the world have either had to cancel or postpone, but now a large handful have caught onto the streaming bug, and this works out magically for me! Usually attended by locals or strictly critics, this change of events has given me an unseen advantage. I, just a lowly film fan, gets to watch potential Oscars films ahead of the masses!

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Defending Jacob Miniseries Review

I keep chugging along through shows with my new Apple+ subscription, and next on my list was a show I was really excited about when I first saw an advertisement for it, Defending Jacob. Sure, it’s got everyone’s favorite Captain America, Chris Evans, and Downton Abbey‘s Michelle Dockery, but the premise just sounded so intriguing that I was going to watch it regardless of its leads.

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Concert Review: Anberlin – Cities Livestream

In an effort to get back to something resembling a concert, and supporting artists as best I can, Friday evening I sidled up to my laptop to watch Anberlin perform their album Cities in its entirety. Was it my favorite thing? No. Was the music good? Absolutely. This was my first livestream concert, so keep reading to catch my thoughts on the experience!

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The Morning Show Review

Alright, I have finally caved and subscribed to Apple+ in order to watch the last series I wanted to get to before the Emmys air this Sunday, The Morning Show. Look, when this show first got announced, I dug into my hipster way and refused to watch because of some of the cast. Yes, I am a big fan of Billy Crudup and Mark Duplass, but Jennifer Aniston and Resse Witherspoon are just slightly overrated in my opinion and that was enough to turn me off initially. That coupled with all the hype around the show also turned me off. Sometimes excitement about a show gets me excited about it, but sometimes it has the opposite effect on me. Go figure. Regardless of how I felt then, though, I really, really enjoyed The Morning Show and I’m glad I finally gave it a viewing!

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Season 4 Veronica Mars

Alright marshmallows! After almost an entire year, I finally buckled down to watch the fourth season of Veronica Mars, and I was not disappointed! I mean, I read a lot of spoilers when it first came out because I knew I wasn’t going to watch it right away and I saw an abundance of outrage across the internet. I get why everyone was upset, but truthfully, I wasn’t.

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