Golden Globes 2024

After a terrible year for actors and writers, the studios finally pulled their heads out of their asses just in time for awards season! And though the Golden Globes are back for only the second year after trying to right their wrongs, I thought the evening was a perfectly fine one.

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The Rest of the Best: 2021 Edition

With so many movies, I figured I’d split up all the other rad things I watched, read, and listened to this past year!

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Succession Season 3

Oh man, it was a very antsy waiting period, but now that I’ve experienced the highly anticipated third season of Succession, I can confirm that it was totally worth the discomfort. Speaking of discomfort, the Roy family didn’t let up on any of their ruthless antics this season, and the level of betrayal is at an all time high. Let’s review, shall we? Also, SPOILER warning so you’re prepared.

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Emmys 2020: Winners, Losers, and Everything in Between

Last night saw the first major awards show since the pandemic began, and I was excited to get it in whatever format they could manage. Thus, I watched an (almost) totally virtual Emmy Awards, or as I’ve seen it so cleverly referenced, the “Pandemmys.” The show opened with host Jimmy Kimmel seemingly talking to a full house of actors and guest alike. I’m not going to lie, this fooled me for the first minute. I thought to myself, “well, maybe they worked something out and had everyone quarantine for two weeks,” even though I’d heard nothing of the sort mentioned in the last several months since the virtual show was announced. Then I noticed people in the crowd who weren’t nominated, or actors from shows who were no longer on the air. Then we saw Jimmy Kimmel himself in the crowd.

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Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

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Succession – Season 2

Alright, the time has come during this quarantine and down-time in my regular viewing to finally watch the second season of Succession. I also felt I wanted to put some distance between the seasons, because like I said in my review of the first season, this show is intense. And like I also said before, this show deserves all the awards it’s received! In fact, it may deserve more. After finishing the final episode today, I’m not sure why Jeremy Strong hasn’t been nominated for everything.

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