This Is Us Season Finale

That’s right, in this time of quarantine, we’ve already got a show that’s done for the season, and as anticipated, some serious shit went down! I don’t think it’d be This Is Us, let alone a This Is Us finale if some shit didn’t go down. Hop on in, it’s about to be a fun read (with a bunch of SPOILERS – you’ve been warned.)

All the Pearsons are gathering to celebrate baby Jack’s first birthday! Before they even leave for LA, Beth knows it’s about to be extremely uncomfortable, and you get the sense that she’s against Randall’s methods for getting Rebecca to go the clinical trial. Beth would be right. I would say the party was normal and fun for all of five minutes before the “big three” were chatting away, and then it took Kevin all of one minute alone with Rebecca to realize that Randall did something heinous to get her to change her mind.

This episode was really centered on what was obviously going to be the showdown between Randall and Keivn, but there were some others bits sprinkled throughout the episode. In the flashbacks, we get to see the “big three” celebrate their first birthday, but Jack and Rebecca also mourn the triplet they lost. They go and visit their doctor for some words of wisdom, or in this case a song, and it seems to work. Kate and Toby take baby Jack back to the NICU where he started his life, and that’s when Toby proposes adopting another child. This fills in the blank as to who a seemingly random woman is in the flash forward, until she goes to see grown up Jack and his new baby.

Kevin gets the surprise of his life when Madison shows up to the party to tell him she’s pregnant with twins and they are his. At first he’s shocked but then tells her that he’s all in and that those kids will be the love of his life…so that probably means Madison won’t be. At least this is one seemingly happy thing that Kevin can latch onto, because he has some WORDS with Randall. And they aren’t the nice kind. Long fight short, Randall tells Kevin that he was a disappointment to their father, he’s selfish, and his life is a performance. Kevin’s comeback is that the wrong son was there the night of the fire, and if Kevin would have been there Jack would have been saved. Oh, yeah…he also said the worst day of his life wasn’t when Jack died, but when they brought Randall home. Ouch.

As harsh as what Kevin said was, I still don’t feel that bad for Randall. He’s been absolutely unbearable all season. I imagine they reconcile at some point, but I assume their relationship will be contentious or basically non-existent for most of next season. The flash forward leaves me with some questions. Kevin’s got a wedding ring, and I assume the other isn’t on Madison’s hand…so who’s is it on? Also, Nicky’s got a ring – who, who who?! I’d say as far as This Is Us finale episodes go, this was on par as being both satisfying and equally frustrating. This is almost an unbearable family to watch. I suppose I’m lucky the season ended when it did. Until the fall (hopefully)!