TV Recap: Prodigal Son

This week’s episode of Prodigal Son reverted back to the weekly procedural format, but they definitely made it interesting!

After being sidelined from the serial killer case (for now), Malcolm is at a loss and his nightmares are becoming way too real. During a conversation with his (childhood!) therapist, she recommends that either Malcolm get more sleep, or that may be his sexual urges need to be explored. Based on how messed up almost everything in Malcolm’s life is, I’m assuming it’s been awhile.

Almost coincidentally, the new case for the team is related to a fantasy sex club…you read that correctly. A couple found a random dead man in their bed, and according to Edrisa, he was, uh, busy not long before he got killed. Cue Malcolm going undercover to find out who’s running this fantasy sex club! He gets knocked around a little bit and then we’re spared any more awkwardness when the rest of the team intrudes.

They eventually find the creator of the club, dead, and his significant other gets knocked out by none other than the wife of the couple we’re introduced to! She is a member of the club and caught some feelings for one of the members. And by feelings I mean murderous jealousy. Malcolm talks her down and she’s arrested.

All’s well that ends well, except for when Malcolm and Eve hook up. Malcolm wakes in the middle of the night being tormented by a mysterious woman telling him to find her before she starts strangling him. In defense he starts swinging a knife around scaring Eve half to death. I feel like he ended that relationship before it barely even started. Oh, well. I guess we’ll see what happens in next week’s fall finale.