Upload TV Series Review

What a fun little comedy Upload is for Amazon Prime. Consisting of ten half hour episodes, you’ll buzz through this feel-good futuristic comedy in no time flat, and be highly entertained!

The show takes place in the future, the year 2033. That is terrifyingly not that far away, so it makes sense that the setting of this show feels fairly modern, but with some interesting upgrades. For instance, there are self-driving cars, which throughout the series different characters claim that “they can never malfunction.” This was an on-going joke that I found pretty amusing. Anyways, besides self-driving cars, people now have the option for their consciousnesses to be uploaded into a virtual afterlife of their choosing. Some are obviously better than others, because why wouldn’t class systems exist in the afterlife? Especially if it can be monetized.

We meet good looking and good natured Nathan, who’s got a very superficial and somewhat irritating girlfriend named Ingrid. One night, on their way home from a family dinner, Nathan’s self-driving car malfunctions and he’s on death’s door (supposedly). He can either choose to die or get uploaded, but Ingrid basically makes the decision for him. On her and her wealthy family’s dime, Nathan is uplaoded to Lakeview, one of the most prestigious afterlife facilities. At first, Nathan is, naturally, freaked out, but luckily for him, all residents are given their own “Angel” to help them with whatever they need.

Nathan’s Angel is a seriously awesome girl named Nora, who is still alive working essentially a call centers at “Horizon” (play on Verizon). Her boss is awful and she’s also constantly worrying about her sick and dying father (he’s got vape-lung), who doesn’t want to get uploaded, but go to Heaven with her mom. She works tirelessly to get and good score and money to hopefully change his mind, but I feel for her. She’s also incredibly sweet to Nathan, so it’s no surprise that the two end up falling for each other.

Throughout the series a few problems are revealed, such as the fact that Nathan’s vitals were actually improving before they wheeled him to get uploaded, but Ingrid never said anything. Also, Ingrid is responsible for his accident! Despite those atrocities, you can tell Ingrid really does love Nathan, but she just seems to vapid for anyone to really love her back. But that doesn’t matter though, because by the season’s final few minutes, she reveals to Nathan that she’s been uplaoded so they can be together forever. Oh yeah, Nathan also had to downgrade to 2G status, so he runs out of data before he can reciprocate his feelings to Nora. Yikes!

And that’s where the story ends, my friends. I’ll be looking forward to season two to see what happens with his two lady friends, and also what happened with his best friend Jamie, along with the program they were creating before he got uploaded. Lots of loose ends, but luckily there were enough answers (and the promise of a second season) for me to be happy with how it ended. Like I said above, this is a fun and light comedy, so give it a whirl!