Avengers: Endgame – NO SPOILERS

Avengers: Endgame was everything you would expect it to be, and as The Good Place would put it, “holy forking shirtballs” amazing! That concludes my review.

But seriously, go see this movie. It is a fantastic end cap to the third phase of the mega Marvel-movie franchise. It was a very cathartic experience, which I feel like more movies should try to accomplish, and probably do try to accomplish, but ultimately fail.

In terms of comparing this to the comic books, once again, I cannot. But purely based off of cinematic experience alone, this was one hell of a ride! I can’t even begin to fathom what filming and editing it was like, and luckily I don’t have to – I’m just here to watch! I know everyone was concerned with the 3 plus hour run time, but it goes by in a snap (see what I did there), and then you’ll wish you could watch it again instantly (after a bathroom break of course).

A plethora of one-liners, tears, and edge of your seat action, along with plenty of surprises that I’d be a fool to spoil for you – so I won’t! After seeing Avengers: Endgame, I struggle to see how Spider-Man: Far From Home, or any future Marvel film would even begin to compare, but the franchise just seems to keep one-upping themselves, so I’ll just sit back and wait for what’s still to come.