Book Review: Sweet by Emmy Laybourne

In keeping with the books geared towards the scary for October, I made in odd choice in this young adult romance slash horror novel, Sweet, written by Emmy Laybourne. I also learned that Laybourne was in Superstar! What a small world. Anyways, this book got more enjoyable the further I got into it, and there were also some pretty strong messages layered into this young adult entry. I think teens and adults alike can learn something from this while also being entertained.

Sweet is written in alternating perspectives showcasing shy musician, Laurel, along with former child star, Tom, as they embark on a weight loss cruise. Laurel was invited by her well-to-do best friend, Vivika, who has been obsessing over her weight for her entire life. Both the girls are the same size and Laurel feels like they are great the way they are but she is also a supportive friend. Tom on the other hand, got offered the opportunity to host the cruise since it will be featuring a new weight loss supplement called Solu. Tom just wants to be able to start doing films again and feels like this is the exposure he needs. Fit since his early teen years being told he was too chubby, Tom plans to stay clear of the supplement.

Laurel is also avoiding the supplement, first because of a bout of sea sickness, but also because she is happy with her body. It appears the two made the correct decision because it seems like after a few days the passengers can’t get enough of Solu. While chaos starts to ensue on the ship, Laurel and Tom really connect after a few awkward encounters. Just as their relationship starts to blossom, the passengers almost become zombie-like in their attempts to get their hands on the supplement. Tom and Laurel make it their mission to warn the mainland about Solu before it gets released to the world, but they need to find a way off the boat first!

This book took a twisted turn that I wasn’t totally expecting, but it made it more fun! I am a little bummed to have learned that there won’t be a follow-up novel because it really set itself up for one! Either way, the ending was satisfying as is, and you rooting for Tom and Laurel really pays off. I love that Laybourne took a somewhat light premise and layered body positivity and addiction onto her story. These are really prevalent topics that probably don’t get addressed enough in young adult novels – even though that target audience is the most susceptible! Like I said, really entertaining novel from start to finish, so get to it!