Weekend Movie Reviews: The Upside, What They Had, All About Nina

Unfortunately, weather got in the way of my movie plans this weekend, so I only managed to sneak in one new one. Although I think it was a pretty solid choice! A few friends and I went to go see The Upside, a remake of the 2011 French film The Intouchables (based on a true story), starring Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston. Cranston plays quadriplegic Phillip who is in need of a new caretaker, although he is sort of fed up with life. Cue the hiring of ex-con Dell, played by Kevin Hart. At first the two are at odds with each other, but then essentially become the best of friends. I mean that is a very general overview, but what else would you expect to happen here? With both Hart and Cranston, the laughs were consistent throughout, and Nicole Kidman as Phillip’s executive, Yvonne, she was a light and nice touch to the ensemble. Definitely would recommend!

Since Saturday was a bust, I headed over to my local video store and rented two newer releases. The first I watched was What They Had, about a mother with Alzheimer’s and a father whose love is too strong to let her go to a facility. The film starts with a frantic call to siblings, played by Hilary Swank and Michael Shannon, that their mother has run out in the middle of the night during a blizzard on Christmas Eve. Two things I took away from this film: 1 – this family is messed up and 2 – this movie was freaking sad! Hilary Swank has a terrible relationship with, well, everyone, and Michael Shannon is a jerk because he’s around dealing with all of their parents’ health issues but isn’t the executor. She finally learns she has to make her life not to please people, so she separates from her husband and reconciles with her daughter. Michael Shannon finally gets his father’s approval for his livelihood. And then the saddest part – the father dies of a heart attack! Although Blythe Danner put it best, “I think now was the perfect time. Any sooner and I would have been too sad, and any later I wouldn’t have remembered him.” Tears. All the tears.

Next I popped in All About Nina. Which was just okay. Aside from the decent stand-up, I’d say this was definitely more of a drama. Nina, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, is only about sex and sabotages anything even remotely close to relationship. She moves to LA in order to get away from an abusive married man she was having an affair with, and also to get on Comedy Prime. In the midst of all her efforts she runs into smooth talker and general nice guy Rafe, played by Common. Nina is willing to go all in with this relationship, but something from her past keeps butting its ugly head into it, until she finally blows during a set. By the end you are pretty sure things are good with her relationship, but not so sure about her stand-up.

1985/Gotham Review (Sort Of)

I’m sorry to say that I missed Gotham last night, so I don’t have a review for you all yet. But I missed out for a great reason! This past Tuesday while scrolling through Twitter, I see none other than the Riddler himself, Cory Michael Smith, tweet about heading back to his alma mater to screen 1985 followed by a brief Q&A. Well don’t you know that his alma mater is just two hours from my house! Yes, it was on a work night, and yes, I was going to go – and I did! And it was totally worth it.

In a very small theater on campus, I got to see one of my favorite films from 2018 again; it was very nice being able to see it in a theater this time around rather than in my living room. Then, THE Cory Michael Smith walked right past me and up to the stage for a moderated Q&A. I was pleasantly surprised that no Gotham questions were asked, and he spoke very eloquently about the film and the impact it’s had on him.

After the Q&A session, he was super generous and met with any fan who wanted to chat or get a photo (myself included). While I was waiting for my opportunity to meet Cory, I heard him catch up with old professors and laugh with fans – it was very endearing. And then it was my turn. From my perspective I didn’t feel like I talked too smooth, but in hindsight it actually was a very nice conversation. I let him know how much I loved the film, and also what a huge fan of Gotham I was. Coincidentally, I had just finished a duel drawing of him and fellow Gotham actor, Robin Lord Taylor, so I brought that along and was able to give it to him! That got me a hug people! I am in Heaven.

So yes, overall, it was a magnificent experience despite the long drive and holding my eyelids up at work today. I promise I’ll get a review post up of the latest Gotham episode tomorrow!

Movie Review: White Boy Rick

The first movie of 2019! Having said that, it was a bit of a letdown. I applaud the fact that they filmed in Lakewood, OH and Vegas, and the soundtrack was on point, but the story line itself was rather slow and dragged out.

Super-scum from Detroit shows Richard (Matthew McConaughey) and son White Boy Rick himself (newcomer Richie Merritt) dealing firearms to the other scum of Detroit. Rick gets caught up in the wrong crowd, drug dealers, and lives the high life for a while while also being an informant to the FBI. All that comes to an end when Rick ends up getting shot, and then the FBI eventually drop him and arrest his entire crew, including friend Boo. Rick and his dad try to strike a deal with the FBI in the end, but they don’t keep their word and Rick ends up in jail with a life sentence.

When I initially heard about this movie based on real-life Rick Wershe Jr. who was the youngest FBI informant ever at the age of 14, I thought this was going to be entertaining as hell, but it just wasn’t paced properly. Not a great way to start off my 2019 movie list, but there will always be misses with the hits.

Best & Worst of 2018 – Movies

With it being the last day of 2018, I am sad to say that I won’t be able to squeeze in any more movies, new or old. It was a wild ride for me – 146 films! Quick math, that means I would have watched one movie per day this year, but let’s be real, sometimes I crammed five or six into one weekend 🙂 Below are my top 10 for best and worst films I watched this year along with some worthy runner-ups.


  1. Acrimony – Starring Taraji P Henson, and just so, so terrible. She’s a woman with rage, and is hell-bent on her life being the worst. Oh, and she’s crazy.
  2. Brad’s Status – Super lame, and I’m not even sure I could tell you the plot at this point. Either way, just don’t waste your time on this Ben Stiller flick.
  3. Phantom Thread – Obscenely boring. So boring that I fell asleep through the middle of it, and that almost never happens! I know this got a ton of Oscar nominations and some wins this year, but it was not my cup of tea. Way to NOT go out with a bang Daniel Day Lewis.
  4. All I See is You – I already don’t care for Blake Lively, so this sure didn’t help. It had a great premise, just a really poor execution. Basically, a blind woman is suddenly made to see, but she got to physically see a side of her marriage she didn’t want to.
  5. Flower – Super freaking weird! Zoey Deutch and Adam Scott should have meant this would be good, but it was just not.
  6. Sorry to Bother You – Hands down the strangest movie I saw this year. I love Armie Hammer, but some parts of this movie are better left to be unseen. I can’t get those half horse people out of my head!
  7. Assassination Nation – The second strangest movie I saw this year! It was a mix of The Purge and Spring Breakers…so you do the math there.
  8. Outlaw King – Even the promise of full-frontal Chris Pine could not make finish watching this almost two and a half hour movie about Robert the Bruce of Scotland. I’m not a history buff either, so that probably didn’t help.
  9. Cam – So, so weird, and really graphic for a Netflix film!
  10. Hot Summer Nights – The comment I have in my brief review file sums it up “weak Timmy T, weak.”


  1. Call Me By Your Name – I know technically this came out in November of 2017, but my home state didn’t get it until January! So there! This film is so beautiful and wonderfully acted. Deserved all the awards it won and got nominated for.
  2. Upgrade – I freaking loved this movie! It was a very close call on making this my #1 of 2018. This film was so cathartic and very original. It had love, sadness, violence (lots of violence), and futuristic science and technology. Oh yeah, did I mention it only had a budget $3 million?! – visually stunning.
  3. Tully – Holy plot twists Batman! My sister and I were the only ones in the theater to watch this, but let’s just say it rocked my world. Honestly never saw the plot twist coming!
  4. Molly’s Game – The dialogue alone was enough to sell me on this movie, but add in underground celebrity high-stakes poker to the mix and I’m all in (no pun intended). I know she’s paying for it now, but am extremely jealous of her former job.
  5. American Animals – Not a story I would have normally been interested in, but Evan Peters caught my attention, and then the execution solidified it for me. Very unique filming technique – I don’t want to spoil it!
  6. Eighth Grade – So awkwardly hilarious. My sister was literally squirming in her seat. That’s how well it was done.
  7. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before – I never knew how much I needed a new cushy rom-com in my life (since 13 Going on 30, of course) until I watched this Netflix original. It is so cute. That is all.
  8. Searching – Also holy plot twists! Shot all through Face Time and other social media outlets, I really thought I wasn’t going to be a fan of how this movie played out, but it very much drew you into the story!
  9. Bohemian Rhapsody – Like I said in my Golden Globes post, Rami Malek totally nails it as Freddie Mercury, and you get a bunch of Queen songs! What else could a person ask for?!
  10. 1985 – I know I just reviewed this the other day, but what an impact it had. It was shot beautifully in black and white, and just lovely.

Wanted to provide the brief commentary I made here. These would be my honest, gut reactions to these films.

  1. Damsel – Went on forever, not enough Robert Pattinson with a southern accent.
  2. All Summers End – Just like I wished this movie would.
  3. The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter – Only funny thing was Josh Brolin’s deer call.
  4. The First Purge – 3rd best (out of 4).
  5. Blockers – Gary. Cole.
  6. Crash Pad – Domhnall Gleeson is just so great that I can overlook this.
  7. How It Ends – As long as it ends with Theo James, I don’t care!
  8. Little Italy – So cheesey, and I’m not just talking about the pizza.
  9. Izzy Gets the F*** Across Town – Izzy is an emotionally unstable person.
  10. Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot – Jonah Hill disco dancing. That is all.

Once again, this is my initial commentary right after watching these. Enjoy 🙂

  1. I, Tonya – Very strong performances (even Keith!).
  2. The Shape of Water – Strange, fairy tale-esque.
  3. The Commuter – Crazy pants! But not on the level of Split.
  4. Unsane – Paranoia at its finest (and filmed on a iPhone!).
  5. Borg vs. McEnroe – Best tennis movie I’ve ever seen – A+ for Shia LeBeouf as McEnroe!
  6. BlacKkKlansman – Ending gave me goosebumps.
  7. A Star is Born – So good, so sad.
  8. Boy Erased – I want Nicole Kidman to be my mom!
  9. Mary, Queen of Scots – Mary, Queen of Thots
  10. Instant Family – Adorable and funny!

“Vice” Movie Review

Alright, for quite some time I was looking forward to December 25th, and it was not because it was Christmas. I was excited because Adam McKay’s newest film “Vice” was going to be released. Well, Christmas has come and gone, and I finally saw “Vice” yesterday. And I’ve got to say that I was mildly disappointed. For it being a comedy-drama, and an unfortunately long running time, I didn’t really find myself laughing or that engaged in the drama. Sure, this movie made me realize how shady and crazy Dick Cheney and his wife were, but it just lacked the pizzazz that 2015’s “The Big Short” had.

I was seriously impressed with all of the individual performances: Christian Bale (Holy pounds, Batman!), Amy Adams and Sam Rockwell nailed their impersonations. Steve Carrell was just okay in my book, and I was pleasantly surprised with some of the smaller supporting roles, but all together the film was just forgettable and not that interesting. I don’t regret seeing it, but I also don’t know that I’d recommend it either. Definitely don’t expect to see it on my top 10 list next week.

New Movie Review: Aquaman, Second Act, 1985, and Mary, Queen of Scots

With it being the holiday season that means more quality time with movies! And this past weekend I managed to squeeze in a decent amount to review for you all. First on the docket was “Aquaman.” I have seen all of the superhero movies that have come out over the years, Marvel and DC alike, so I have a lot to compare to. In my opinion, none of them are bad movies, but some are mediocre, and this was mediocre. And I was really optimistic that it wouldn’t be! That cast! But even Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, and even Jason Mamoa’s sass could make this better. It ended pretty well, but the CGI was questionable at best and that soundtrack was atrocious. At one point I swear all that was playing was a tuba. And not only was it bad that Weezer covered Africa (nothing but love for Toto), but they had some sped up remix by a woman playing at one point and it was the worst. Overall, it seemed like director James Wan wanted to pay homage to a lot of really great films, but he just couldn’t make a good cohesive one.

I went with a friend to go see “Second Act” in a full theater, which I really think made a difference. It was J-Lo going back to her “rom-com” roots, so there was laughter, and tear-jerker moments, and romance (I guess), but nothing cut real deep, which I suppose is the point of a movie like this. Although, if you’re going to heavily advertise that Milo Ventimiglia is in this, than put him in for more than 10 minutes! Overall it was a feel-good film that I enjoyed, but mainly because I knew what I was in for.

Early in the morning I went to see “Mary, Queen of Scots”, and for as terrible as “Outlaw” was (sorry, Chris Pine), I was actually surprised I enjoyed this film! History is so boring for me, but man did Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie sell it. So did the supporting men in this ensamble: Joe Alwyn, Jack Lowden, David Tennant, and an almost unrecognizable Guy Pierce! There was something so enthralling about the Scottish accent, and Margot’s prosthetics were so well done they made her ugly which I thought was almost impossible. Everything was beautifully shot, so no one should be surprised to see this grab a few award show nominations.

Finally, I watched the independent film “1985” starring “Gotham’s” Cory Michael Smith as Adrian in the lead role. The ensemble cast was rounded out nicely with turns from Virginia Madsen (“American Gothic,” “Sideways”) and Michael Chiklis (“The Shield”) as Adrian’s parents, and Jamie Chung (“The Hangover”) and his old high school girlfriend. What was unique about this film is that it was shot on black and white super 16mm film, which is refreshing from time to time, but especially with the film’s specific subject matter. Adrian, who lives in New York, goes home to Texas after the death of his long-term partner to tell his parents he too is dying of AIDS. Although he never never declares this outright to his parents, they make it clear that they will love him and be there for him no matter what. I thought this was a very beautiful film, and sure, maybe I shed a few tears. Well done!

Awards Season has Commenced! – Golden Globes Special

That’s right folks, you read that correctly! Awards season is upon us, and frankly this is my favorite time of the year (and the only thing that makes winter bearable). Since the Golden Globes, SAG, and Critics Choice awards all had similar nominees, below I’ll detail the nominees and my winners choice for the Golden Globes. Look out for a separate article for the Grammy nominees.

Golden Globes

Since the Golden Globes are the first awards show to air in the new year it is only right that they announced their nominees first. Below I will bold who I think should/will win the category and give my brief explanation. With all that, keep in mind that I have not seen every performance or film nominated, so my opinions will be biased.

Best Motion Picture – Drama:
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star is Born

No contest here. Queen is a killer even if Bradley Cooper did a mean remake of A Star is Born. I have not seen If Beale Street Could Talk, but I really don’t think it would sway my choice here.

Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy:
Crazy Rich Asians
The Favourite
Green Book
Mary Poppins Returns

Even though I haven’t seen it yet, my money is on Vice. It’s got all the makings of a winner – Adam McKay, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Sam Rockwell, and a political satire!

Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama:
Lady Gaga – A Star is Born
Nicole Kidman – Destroyer
Melissa McCarthy – Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Rosamund Pike – A Private War
Glenn Close – The Wife

I’m giving it to Nicole Kidman, because even though this film only just got released in New York and Los Angeles, I’m sure she freaking killed it. I’ve only seen A Star is Born from this list, but I’d give Glenn Close and Rosamund Pike an edge over Lady Gaga here.

Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama:
Bradley Cooper – A Star is Born
Willem Dafoe – A Eternity’s Gate
Lucas Hedges – Boy Erased
Rami Malek – Bohemian Rhapsody
John David Washington – BlacKkKlansman

Tough category, but I give the edge to Rami Malek. As a big Mr. Robot fan I was nervous for him in this role, but not even halfway through the film I realized he completely transformed and I forgot who I was even watching. All performances were strong here, so no real loser for me either!

Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy:
Emily Blunt – Mary Poppins Returns
Olivia Coleman – The Favourite
Elsie Fisher – Eighth Grade
Charlize Theron – Tully
Constance Wu – Crazy Rich Asians

Having not seen The Favourite, my vote is going for Elsie Fisher, although Charlize Theron is a close second. Elsie just gave the most genuinely awkward performance and it was hilariously wonderful. Bravo!

Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy:
Christian Bale – Vice
Lin-Manuel Miranda – Mary Poppins Returns
Viggo Mortensen – Green Book
Robert Redford – Old Man & the Gun
John C. Reilly – Stan & Ollie

Talk about commitment! Gaining weight alone is enough for me to choose Christian Bale, but I’m sure the performance will be well worth it, too! Viggo Mortensen is a close second because being a fellow Italian, I loved his performance.

Actress in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture:
Amy Adams – Vice
Claire Foy – First Man
Regina King – If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone – The Favourite
Rachel Weisz – The Favourite

I assume that Emma Stone is sassy and biting in her role in The Favourite, and I just love that kind of thing. Amy Adams probably also should deserve this, but I guess we will see!

Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture:
Mahershala Ali – Green Book
Timothee Chalamet – Beautiful Boy
Adam Driver – BlacKkKlansman
Richard E Grant – Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Sam Rockwell – Vice

Until Moonlight a few years back I had never even heard of Marhershala Ali, so to see him totally transform between that film and Green Book is unreal to me. As much as I think Timothee Chalamet was robbed last year for Call Me By Your Name, this isn’t the film he’s going to win for (and once again an Armie Hammer snub!).

Best Director – Motion Picture:
Peter Farrlley – Green Book
Spike Lee – BlacKkKlansman
Adam McKay – Vice
Bradley Cooper – A Star is Born
Alfonso Cuaron – Roma

I’m assuming Alfonso will win this one, but I’m going with Bradley Cooper because dang if that wasn’t a spectacular first outing as a director!

Best Motion Picture – Animated:
Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

As a big Wes Anderson fan I loved and would love to see Isle of Dogs take the win, but based on reviews alone I know that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will take it.

Best Television Series – Drama:
The Americans
Killing Eve

I only saw Homecoming off of this list, and no offense to Sam Esmail, I think I fell asleep to every single episode. I know Killing Eve is hot, and of course Pose is the first Ryan Murphy show I haven’t watched (pissed about it), but I’m giving the seniority vote to The Americans.

Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy:
The Good Place
The Kominsky Method
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Bill Hader is comedy gold, so obviously my vote is with Barry. Although I wouldn’t mind seeing Kidding take home the win – as long as it’s NOT the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (sick of everything they’re winning, it reminds me of Transparent, barf).

Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
The Alienist
The Assassination of Gianni Versace
Escape at Dannemora
Sharp Objects
A Very English Scandal

Holy crap what a great category! I pick The Alienist because I think it was extremely underrated in terms of viewership and I just love Daniel Bruhl! Sharp Objects was also a fantastic adaptation of the book – what a knock-out year for Amy Adams!

Actress in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Patricia Arquette – Escape at Dannemora
Connie Britton – Dirty John
Laura Dern – The Tale
Regina King – Seven Seconds
Amy Adams – Sharp Objects

Having listened to the podcast of Dirty John I’d have to say Connie Britton nails her performance! Truthfully I’d be fine with any one of these talented ladies winning this category.

Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Antonio Banderas – Genius: Picasson
Daniel Bruhl – The Alienist
Darren Criss – The Assassination of Gianni Versace
Benedict Cumberbatch – Patrick Melrose
Hugh Grant – A Very English Scandal

I just liked The Alienist so much! Darren Criss gave a very unsettling and definitely award-worthy performance, so he could take it, too.

Actress in a Television Series – Drama:
Caitriona Balfe – Outlander
Elizabeth Moss – The Handmaid’s Tale
Sandra Oh – Killing Eve
Julia Roberts – Homecoming
Kerri Russell – The Americans

My money is on Sandra Oh. I think she’s about due and she’s co-hosting which definitely doesn’t hurt. Julia Roberts could sneak in with a win based on sheer star-power alone, but you can also never count out Caitriona or Elizabeth, and it being the last season of The Americans Kerri Russell could come out on top, too!

Actor in a Television Series – Drama:
Jason Bateman – Ozarks
Stephen James – Homecoming
Richard Madden – Bodyguard
Billy Porter – Pose
Matthew Rhys – The Americans

No contest here: it’s going to Matthew Rhys.

Actress in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy:
Alison Brie – GLOW
Rachel Brosnahan – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Debra Messing – Will & Grace
Kristen Bell – The Good Place
Candice Bergen – Murphy Brown

While The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel cleaned house at the Emmy’s, I’d sure like to see Kristen Bell win. I gave up on The Good Place this season, but as a former Veronica Mars fan she’s just great and deserves it! Debra Messing would be my #2, for sure.

Actor in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy:
Sacha Baron Cohen – Who is America?
Jim Carrey – Kidding
Michael Douglas – The Kominsky Method
Donald Glover – Atlanta
Bill Hader – Barry

Can it be a three-way tie??? I have never seen Atlanta since it’s been running, but I did randomly catch the Teddy Perkins episode, and let’s just say that sh** stays with you. I also have equal love for Jim Carrey and Bill Hader! But since there are no ties in life except for sports sometimes, I vote Jim Carrey.

Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series:
Alex Borstein – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Patricia Clarkson – Sharp Objects
Penelope Cruz – The Assassination of Gianni Versace
Thandie Newton – Westworld
Yvonne Strahvoski – The Handmaid’s Tale

Another easy one for me: Patricia Clarkson. She was ruthless as the Southern Belle mother to Amy Adams’ Camille in Sharp Objects. Just as unsettling as the book portrayed her.

Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series:
Ben Winshaw – A Very English Scandal
Henry Winkler – Barry
Alan Arkin – The Kominsky Method
Kieran Culkin – Succession
Edgar Ramirez – The Assassination of Gianni Versace

Loved Ben Winshaw and Kieran Culkin in other performances (London Spy, Fargo), and I was really impressed with Edgar Ramirez’s performance as the titular Gianni Versace, but it seems like it’s Henry Winkler’s award to lose.

Potential Oscar Movies

In less than 24 hours this weekend, I managed to watch what I would consider two very obvious Oscar contenders.  The first was “Beautiful Boy” starring Timothee Chalamet and Steve Carell.  Based off of books written by father and son dealing with the son’s addiction, this was very well done.  Both actors commit to their respective rolls, especially that of Timothee playing the drug-addicted son.  I also felt for Carell’s take on the grieving and helpless father still trying desperately to save his son falling back into addiction time and time again.  Watching anything with needles just creeps me out, so this movie did well to further dispel me from ever using drugs.  While I don’t know that this film specifically will get a best picture nod, I do think Timothee Chalamet will get a best supporting nod (especially since he’s Hollywood’s darling right now).  

The next film I watched was “Boy Erased” starring Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, and Joel Edgerton.  This film touched on a boy getting sent to gay conversion therapy after being outed to his very religious parents.  Also based off of a real person, Garrard Conley, this was tough to watch, but a sad reality that I was surprised to learn still exists today.  Overall I thought the acting was very well done, and I am a huge fan of Joel Edgerton, so this was great!  The only artistic change I would have made would be how the movie itself flowed.  There were some oddly timed and fading flashbacks that I felt should have come well before the conversion therapy parts.  Otherwise, Nicole Kidman and Lucas Hedges were standouts.  I’d be surprised if neither of them got noticed by the Academy for their work in this film.

Thanksgiving Weekend Movie Review

Look Away, The Host, Instant Family, Game Night

Hi All!  First post on the blog (sans welcome post)!  I managed to get a few days off work, so with that time I watched a decent handful of movies.  To start off, I rented Look Away.  This movie co-stars one of my newer favorite actors, Harrison Gilbertson.  Those of you that haven’t seen Upgrade yet this year, please do so at your earliest convenience.  Anyways, Look Away was eerie, and a little slow, but ultimately was dark and twisted.  A socially awkward girl who gets mercifully picked on at school and at home finds a creepy sonogram of twins tucked in a mirror.  Soon after a doppleganger in this mirror offers to take her pain away by switching places.  Eventually, Maria, the lead character, concedes and is now trapped in the mirror while her (obviously malicious) doppleganger, Airam, takes her place in the real world.  A few deaths later and I’m not totally sure where we ended up, but mom is reunited with her twins…like I said, eerie.

The next movie I watched was The Host.  I know, a few years too late on this one, but there are too many movies to watch in a year!  This film that came out in 2013 is based off the novel of the same name by Stephanie Meyers (Twilight fans will recognize).  In some sort of “peaceful” alien takeover, the movie opens with a surviving human, Melanie, trying to face off against these aliens who inhabit human bodies and minds (for the most part).  She ultimately loses the battle and gets the alien, Wanderer, placed in her.  Soon after we learn that Melanie is sharing her mind with Wanderer.  And we learn that Wanderer has a conscience, so she helps Melanie find other surviving humans, including her little brother, uncle, and boyfriend.  They make it across the desert to a large, cavernous structure that houses other humans.  Some trust and others try to kill her, but eventually gains some ground in her little brother, a new love interest for Wanderer (threesome, anyone?), and her uncle.  Obviously, not all of those aliens are peaceful, so it’s a matter of fighting that host off before we see any semblance of a happy ending.  Overall, I thought it was a little corny, but having not read the book I can’t really judge it 100%.  Loved the cast, but Rotten Tomatoes swayed my opinion a little bit with that 8% score.

Next over this extended weekend I took both my grandmas to go see Instant Family starring Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne.  It was hella cute!  And Mark Wahlberg in anything helps it in my opinion.  Lots of laughs and the appropriate amount of swearing – my personal favorite was Rose Byrne yelling “Out the way you came Pussy Riot!”  I know overall this was a heart-warming movie and it’s supposed to motivate people to foster and adopt, but honestly, this just reinforced why I don’t want kids.  I know, heart of ice.  I can’t really give too much away considering most should be able to guess the plot, but it had comedy gold with Margo Martindale as grandma Sandy.  Definitely worth the watch.

Finally (for my review anyways), I watched Game Night for the second time this year with my sister.  Why not when you have free HBO for the weekend?!  After this second watch, I stand by my review earlier in the year when I said “best comedy of 2018.”  Which is sort of sad for the comedy genre considering it was a black comedy.  It follows a highly competitive couple who get together with some of their friends for the ultimate game night hosted by lead Jason Bateman’s brother, Ron Livingston.  What was supposed to be a planned kidnapping and brother reconciliation turns into a real kidnapping, mobsters, and one of my favorite scenes!  If you don’t laugh at people gagging over blood, are you even human?  Stellar cast, and an even more stellar plot!  Billy Magnussen plays a hilarious dip-shit, and I don’t think my sister will ever get over the wonderfully creepy performance from Jesse Plemons.  Bravo, Game Night, bravo.