Roswell, New Mexico and Prodigal Son Recap

Oh, Monday. What joy you bring to my nightly television viewing. At this present moment, that’s mainly because of Roswell, New Mexico, but I can give some credit to Prodigal Son, who is airing its last handful of episodes at a snail’s pace. Either way, entertainment. In this time of self-isolation, that’s all I’m asking for. So here we go!

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Succession – Season 2

Alright, the time has come during this quarantine and down-time in my regular viewing to finally watch the second season of Succession. I also felt I wanted to put some distance between the seasons, because like I said in my review of the first season, this show is intense. And like I also said before, this show deserves all the awards it’s received! In fact, it may deserve more. After finishing the final episode today, I’m not sure why Jeremy Strong hasn’t been nominated for everything.

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