Hey all! HBO is being super cool and is offering a handful of shows and movies to stream for free! You don’t even need to have an account. So with that little bit of knowledge, I found that the critically acclaimed show, Barry was available! I have been eager to watch this for quite some time, so now is my opportunity.
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Part III
It took me way longer than I wanted it to, but I finally finished watching Part 3 of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina! And what a crazy ride it was. I’ll try my best to cover everything that went down.
Read moreRoswell, New Mexico and Prodigal Son Recap
Oh, Monday. What joy you bring to my nightly television viewing. At this present moment, that’s mainly because of Roswell, New Mexico, but I can give some credit to Prodigal Son, who is airing its last handful of episodes at a snail’s pace. Either way, entertainment. In this time of self-isolation, that’s all I’m asking for. So here we go!
Read moreSuccession – Season 2
Alright, the time has come during this quarantine and down-time in my regular viewing to finally watch the second season of Succession. I also felt I wanted to put some distance between the seasons, because like I said in my review of the first season, this show is intense. And like I also said before, this show deserves all the awards it’s received! In fact, it may deserve more. After finishing the final episode today, I’m not sure why Jeremy Strong hasn’t been nominated for everything.
Read moreThis Is Us Season Finale
That’s right, in this time of quarantine, we’ve already got a show that’s done for the season, and as anticipated, some serious shit went down! I don’t think it’d be This Is Us, let alone a This Is Us finale if some shit didn’t go down. Hop on in, it’s about to be a fun read (with a bunch of SPOILERS – you’ve been warned.)
Read moreMonday Night Television
While some of my shows are circling the drain on their current season, others are just starting up, and I like that kind of mix on my Monday nights!
Read moreThis Is Us and Prodigal Son Review
I’ve still got to work at home, so that means not much extra time to get more television in, but somehow I’m current. That’s why you get to read about my take on this week’s episodes of This is Us and Prodigal Son.
Read moreRoswell, New Mexico Review
As my Fan Art Friday post prepared you for, Roswell, New Mexico was back on last night after a long year off, and I was so excited to watch! It also did not disappoint in the slightest. As one fan stated online, “this hour always seems to go by so fast!” Agreed.
Read moreTV Recap: 9-1-1 Lone Star
Last night was the season one finale of 9-1-1 Lone Star, and man did they deliver some intense and unforgettable moments! Spoilers ahead!
Read moreWizard World Comic Con: Cleveland
This past Saturday was my second experience at a Comic Con! This time it was Wizard World hosted in Cleveland, and it was just as fun as my time at Steel City Con this past December.
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