American Horror Story: 1984 Rundown

Well, five episodes in, and I am unable to see where American Horror Story: 1984 can go now.  Seriously, this last episode basically has an end for all our main characters.  That doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed it! In fact, its campiness and gore is everything I like about the horror genre. So with that, here’s the lowdown on what’s happened at Camp Redwood.

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Mr. Robot Season 4, Episode 2: Payment Required

As I said last week, SPOLIERS AHEAD, so don’t keep reading if it’s going to ruin it for you.  Instead I’ll start you off with this fun fact that I just discovered. While the titles of all of season 4’s episodes are not in the usual tech-garb with dots and dashes, they are in representative of error codes, hence, “Payment Required.” Nifty!

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My Trip to NYC!

Friends! I just got back from the coolest trip I’ve been on since I went to CinemaCon in Las Vegas almost two years ago. It’s been about five years, but I finally headed back to New York to visit one of my oldest friends. And this time I told her we were going to see as many celebrities that we can muster in three days – we succeeded!

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New Show Review: Dead to Me

Okay, so technically Dead to Me isn’t a new show, but when I started it many months ago it was! Even though this show only consisted of ten half hours segments, I got half way through when I decided I needed to watch all of Stranger Things and Animal Kingdom, along with shoving in some MTV reality trash. And so here we are, finally finished with this dark comedy, and quite frankly it was a delight! Not the best show I’ve ever seen, but some quality acting and A+ delivery.

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TV Rewind: Animal Kingdom, Seasons 1 & 2

So now that I’ve finally gotten into the swing of TNT’s drama, Animal Kingdom, based off of the Australian film of the same name, I figured I’m safe to finally write about it! I should also note that I’m doing the same thing I did with Gotham, in that I am watching the older seasons while also watching the newest episodes…not confusing at all.

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