End of February Watch List

Well, since it’s now Thursday, I suppose I can talk about what I’ve watched this week…which truly hasn’t been that much. But it will be a mix! A movie made it into my viewing queue this past Monday!

On Monday, there was no new Prodigal Son, so my full attention was on 9-1-1 Lone Star. This week’s episode saw Owen trying to train for the test he said he was going to take to prove he was still fit to be captain. It didn’t go great (passed out several times), and so he went back out on the green to try and talk some sense into Billy. Well, turns out Billy’s an asshole, and karma is real! He got struck by lightening as he was going to take a swing at his ball! Owen carried him to safety and that basically proved his worth as captain. In terms of the 911 calls the team takes, one involves a bull in a car lot and the other involves a man looking like he was being electrocuted when he was really having a seizure. Michelle also gets some news on her missing sister’s case: the blue pickup truck was found.

This is Us is finally past the big three’s individual episodes, so we see Kevin spending some time with Rebecca, mainly to get her to admit to her memory problems. They bond nicely throughout the entirety of the episode which was nice to see. In Kate and Toby news, Madison apologizes for sleeping with Kevin, but also manages to get Kate to forgive Toby and start working together to give baby Jack the best life. Randall finally agrees to go to therapy, although he thinks it’s useless (he also says as much to the therapist). After the first tense session, he tells Beth he’s not going back, but she tells him that he needs to. She’s still struggling from the break in, too, so she needs Randall to get himself mentally strong, because she’s on the cusp of a breakdown herself. Finally, Rebecca gets her diagnosis confirmed, and it looks like she’s on the road to dementia.

Trying to lighten the mood up, I watched Miracle Workers: Dark Ages last night. Despite the first episode not really resonating with me, I have found the rest of this season to be absolutely hysterical! It’s so fun watching them try to integrate modern issues and topics into the middle ages. While I don’t find myself constantly laughing, the parts that do get me, stay with me. This week’s episode shows the town celebrating Harvest Day, which is very similar to Thanksgiving to us. Al has to deal with her stubborn uncle, who shares differing political views than her. On the other end, Price Chauncey tries to make his family’s Harvest Day more fun by playing games like charades and pictionary, but his family gets so competitive that everyone gets slaughtered. I would say that this is a show that you should pick up if you’ve got the time.

Aside from live, cable shows, I’ve also been working through Netflix’s October Faction. I only recently learned that this show is based on a graphic novel of the same name, so its intrigue for me just came from its sci-fi premise. I need something to fill the hole in my heart that Teen Wolf left, people! As the episodes have ticked by, I’ve found myself getting more into it, and that’s largely due to the fact that I have no clue how it’s going to end! There’s weird looking vampires, werewolves, and warlocks apparently. Right now that warlock and the organization dedicated to stopping the monsters, Presidio, seem like the big baddies, but I’m sure the ending will end up shocking me. And I look forward to it. There aren’t too many shows out there that I don’t spoil for myself (on purpose), so this rarity is nice. I’ll be sure to write a full review once I’ve finished it up.

Lastly, I gave Free Form’s newest rom-com, The Thing About Harry, a try. It was very Valentine’s day-centric, there were parts that were especially cringy, but generally speaking, I really enjoyed it! It followed Sam, who by chance reconnects with his former high school bully, Harry. When Sam discovers that Harry is bisexual, all bets are off. A friendship forms, some betrayal occurs, but ultimately love prevails. As it should in a rom-com. It’s not a large time commitment, so if you want the feel-good warm and fuzzies and have already seen To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You, then give this a whirl!