Movie of the Month: Us

As opposed to my other reviews, I promise there will be no spoilers here, so it may be a tad short. I recall back in December when I went to go see Mary, Queen of Scots, that a very creepy trailer that was made creepier by the previously not creepy song “I Got 5 on It” by Luinz was playing. That trailer was for Jordan Peele’s follow up to 2017’s Get Out, called Us. I texted my sister immediately and we’ve been patiently waiting for its release ever since. It was 100% worth the wait!

The film focuses on a nice family on vacation at a beach with friends when at night things take a turn for the hunted! Only, the family is being hunted by twisted versions of themselves! Even though Winston Duke brought some well-timed, and much needed bits of humor throughout the film, that didn’t stop the rest of the events having me on the edge of my seat for the entire two hour run time. I went with a few friends to a pretty packed theater to watch this last night, and us and the group of college guys behind us were on the same page the entire film – hilarity ensued. While the film fell into some cliched horror movie tropes, they were placed perfectly and helped propel the story forward. I’ll tell you the secret to what made those doppelgangers so freaking unsettling – their arms never moved when the walked! That’s not natural!

Lupita Nyong’o absolutely nails as the lead and mother of the family, while their children are also a delight to watch…especially in their doppelganger state. Overall, this movie will make you uneasy looking at mirrors in the dark, or going anywhere in the dark for that matter, and a little weirded out around rabbits, but if you watch closely enough you may just catch the twist at the end. I certainly didn’t see it coming, but you all may be more adept at that sort of thing. Enjoy!