Short Film Review

I don’t often watch short films, but this weekend presented the perfect trifecta! Sure, they were by directors with some serious clout, but they are also directors that I’m a big fan of, so it’s a win for me.

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Book Review: For You and Only You by Caroline Kepnes

I…think I’m kind of over the whole You universe brought to us by Caroline Kepnes. It’s in that weird stage now where the show is a season ahead and not at all what the latest novel, For You and Only You, was about. Granted, I have no clue what Kepnes’ involvement with the show is and I realize that most adaptations don’t follow the source material closely at all, but still. It’s odd.

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KinnPorsche The Series La Forte – Season 1 Review

Alright, I know probably nothing of that name makes a lot of sense, and it didn’t make any sense to me either when the Youtube algorithm presented some fan made clip to me. Well, the contents of the clip and a quick Google search was all the convincing I needed to give the Thai crime drama, KinnPorsche The Series La Forte, a chance.

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Frameline 47 – Film Festival

The 47th annual Frameline Film Festival was back this year during the midst of pride month, because that only makes sense for a queer-centered film festival. As with most of these film festivals that I’m attending virtually, the selection isn’t quite as robust as attending in person, but there were still some gems to be found.

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Book Review: The Minds of Bill Milligan by Daniel Keyes

I don’t know that this non-fiction book by Daniel Keyes is something I would have ever read in the past were it not for an intriguing trailer for a new Tom Holland-led show on Apple+. But I am thankful to that trailer, because it led me to one of the most whacky true stories I have ever heard! The Minds of Billy Milligan captured me in a similar way to the fictionalized Chernobyl storytelling did.

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