Fan Art Friday: JimmySea

I know that JimmySea doesn’t make much sense to look at, but I’ve been fully sucked into the world of Thai BL and the fandoms refer to popular pairs by just jamming their names together. There’s no fancy couple name like “Bennifer,” but this is probably just as well. They are their own people, after all. And quite successful ones at that! Aside from being in two of my favorite BLs, Vice Versa and Last Twilight, they both have really successful extracurricular careers. While Sea is studying business, he’s also a national badminton player. And Jimmy is a freaking doctor! It’s almost not fair with these two, but they are so nice to look at and seem so sweet that I’ll allow it. Anyway, my first drawing of 2024 took far too long, but I’m happy it’s of these two. And it’s on new paper no less!

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Fan Art Friday: Scream

If I would have prepared myself better, I probably would have drawn this again for Steel City Con last weekend given that so many cast members were there, but life and procrastination got in the way. Instead, you get to see this old one I gifted away back in the day. I was really proud of how it turned out, so who knows, maybe I’ll get the chance to draw it again someday.

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Fan Art Friday: Bible Wichapas Sumettikul

It feels like there’s always something going on with the BL artists out there, and more specifically the Thai ones that I follow. I suppose the same goes for Bible, who was just in a music video. Really though, I just wanted to draw this extremely sexy shot from one of the KinnPorsche World Tours where everyone was dressed kinky(?). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, too.

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