Girls5Eva Season 1

With my last week of access to Peacock Premium, I decided to check out this highly praised comedy. Girls5Eva was lauded by literally everyone and I think it even managed to snag an Emmy nomination this year. Plenty of entertainment outlets declared that it deserved more! So anyways, let’s dive in.

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First In-Person(!) Concert Review: O-Town

That’s right folks, with restrictions lifted and the vaccine getting distributed, that means live music is actually happening in front of people’s faces again! I, for one, could not be more happy that I can physically start going back to shows. Sure, the livestream concerts were good, but they were really just a means to an end, and ultimately just an expensive video. But that’s not the point, the point is…CONCERTS!

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This Weekend’s Movies in Review

Aside from the Monsterverse’s latest, there wasn’t really anything new that came out this past week. With all that freedom, I became a bit nostalgic and decided to give a couple titles a re-watch. One of those was a good idea, and the other really wasn’t, but I never claimed to make good decisions all the time! Anyway, this week’s slate was a pretty decent one all around.

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Fan Art Friday: Milo Ventimiglia/Heroes

While I’d like to lie to you all and say this fan art Friday is dedicated to Milo Ventimiglia, and Milo Ventimiglia alone, I can’t. It’s about his specific role on my favorite television show of all time: Heroes. And sadly, we are nearing its 10-year off-the-air anniversary, and that had me feeling a little nostalgic. This show’s four seasons aired during my years in high school, so I’d like to think it resonated pretty heavily in my life. Do I think this show would do better now? Abso-freaking-lutely! But unfortunately, after its one season reboot, I think it’s dead forever, so all I’ve got are the DVDs…and now two drawings of my favorite character: Peter Petrelli. Played by the gorgeous and enigmatic Milo Ventimiglia, I don’t think I could have loved a television character more. So for fun, these drawings are twelve years apart, and just like all snowflakes are different, apparently, so are drawings. Enjoy (oh, and watch Heroes)!!

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