Prodigal Son Winter Premiere Recap

Before I get into what happened on Monday night’s winter premiere episode of Prodigal Son, let’s step briefly back in time and remember where we left off. First, the FBI is now involved in the Junkyard Killer case, Martin is in solitary confinement, Jessica is trying to find the victim related to the charm bracelet, and oh yeah, Malcolm gets kidnapped by the Junkyard Killer, aka John Watkins.

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Mr. Robot: Season 4, Episode 11 “eXit”

The penultimate episode of Mr. Robot aired, and once again, I am still so confused as to how this can end!!! “Exit” showed some seriously powerful monologues and a WTF ending that has me on the edge of my seat for next week’s two hour series finale.

We open a little backwards in time, with Darlene and Elliot’s sentimental hug goodbye. He also bids Mr. Robot an emotional farewell. Then he’s off to the power plant to shut Whiterose’s project for good. But of course, we left off with Whiterose seemingly going to meet her end with the FBI raiding her home, but you’re a fool if you think the Dark Army doesn’t have her back.

Back at the power plant, Elliot just finishes kicking off the job that should shut it down for good when some Dark Army cronies grab him and lead him through halls of bodies before depositing him in a dark lit room with two computers and a fish. It’s the exact same place where Whiterose spoke with Angela. Whiterose enters, seemingly thrilled to finally get Elliot face-to-face.

They both deliver some pretty powerful speeches, but BD Wong acted his pants off in this extended scene! Recognize the man! Elliot shares that he still has hope in humanity because there are people in this world who can give him what he can’t give himself: love. Whiterose tells him they can go back and make it all better before blowing her brains out. The power plant is about to meltdown, but Elliot finds a game that he’s sure can make it all stop.

Mr. Robot tries to save him, but Elliot is convinced this is it. As the screen fades to red, we are then introduced to parallel-universe Elliot who has his sh** together and is getting married to Angela, has a loving relationship with his father, and is CEO of Allsafe. He meets with F-Corp’s leader, Tyrell (!!!), who wants to know if Elliot is with him, to which he replys, “always.” Everything in this world seems dandy, except for frequent migraines that Elliot’s been getting, but it’s of no concern to him.

As Elliot heads home at the end of the day he’s met with his typical, hooded self at the computer, to which he’s asks, as he’s been asking all along, “Who are you?”

Well, I for one am beyond excited to see how this ends! We still don’t know who that other personality is, and where the heck is Darlene in this alternate universe?! WHAT WILL HAPPEN??? Only a few more days until we find out.

TV Recap: Prodigal Son

Hoo-boy! Prodigal Son has solidified last week’s impressive episode with another one! No more of this one episode procedural crap. Malcolm is hell-bent on finding Paul, an old acquaintance of his father, who has been killing people for the past 17 years. He thinks back to their phone call and remembers Paul saying that Malcolm interrupted him when he went looking for his father’s old car in the junkyard. That’s all the ammo Malcolm needs to go back to the junkyard, where him and Gil find a buried Winnebago. Against Gil’s wishes, Malcolm jumps in and eds up finding a man handcuffed in a room.

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Mr. Robot Season 4, Episode 2: Payment Required

As I said last week, SPOLIERS AHEAD, so don’t keep reading if it’s going to ruin it for you.  Instead I’ll start you off with this fun fact that I just discovered. While the titles of all of season 4’s episodes are not in the usual tech-garb with dots and dashes, they are in representative of error codes, hence, “Payment Required.” Nifty!

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TV Binge Review: Stranger Things

Long time, no writing, and I blame life for that! But I also blame the three seasons of Stranger Things I watched in the past three weeks – it was an intense ride! I plan on taking you through that ride, and if you get mad about spoilers, well, you’ve almost had two weeks to watch the last season, so get over it 🙂

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