Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

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Minimal Movie Review

I am fully aware that the number of movies I watched this weekend is in fact still above average compared to almost everyone I know. But two movies is almost pathetic! At least by my standards, and especially since I watched 25 movies last month. Oh well, it’s a slow start but I don’t doubt I’ll have a strong finish (even if it is getting nicer out). Now, there were onlt two movies, but they were fairly strong choices!

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Red Dragon Book & Movie Review

As I mentioned before, I’m sort of obsessed with Hannibal, so I decided to get in tune with the source material. Before watching the 2002 movie of the same name, I decided I first wanted to read the 1982 Thomas Harris novel, Red Dragon. I thought this would be a good way to compare how Hannibal did and then compare it to the movie afterwards. That way, I wouldn’t accidentally overlap anything that happened.

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