Concert Review: Motionless in White

The livestream concerts continue! This time it’s was with a band I have seen many, many times before in a live setting: Motionless in White! As I’m sure I’ve said before, this is my sister’s favorite band, so I’ve seen them close to a dozen times and have grown to appreciate their work. When I saw the announcement of the “deadstream” as they called it, I thought on it for about two minutes before I dropped the cash on it. If anything, me participating in these livestreams is at least helping out bands and their crews during this hard time.

The performance was to commemorate the tenth anniversary of their debut album, Creatures, which my sister was absolutely pumped about. Every album the band has released since then gets compared (mostly negatively) to Creatures, so this was like a dream for her. Also, in anticipation for the anniversary and the show, the band also released a new single in honor of that album called “Creatures.” Per my sister, it does indeed sound like it came from that era in the band’s history.

Now, onto the actual show! I don’t know why I expected something as generic as some of the livestreams I’ve watched, because this band is theatrical at heart. They did not disappoint! Lots of pumpkins with some cool designs and some excellent lighting throughout. It looks like they may have been performing at an actual venue, so they had a little bit more freedom I think. I had to laugh because during the performance there were moments when Chris turned his microphone out to the “crowd” who in normal times would have screamed the lyrics back, but instead it was just silence. It was also a little sad, as I’m sure it was for him, too.

In terms of the actual set, my sister got increasingly more excited as each song was played, but I came to the realization that I had never really listened to this album. In full anyways. Sure, I’ve heard some of the tracks at the show, but I don’t know the words except for “Scissorhands (The Last Show).” Really, for me, a lot of the songs had a very similar flow and tone, so while none were outright bad, none really stood out to me either. Chris Motionless did sound excellent though, and I can tell you that without knowing the songs by heart. My sister wholeheartedly agreed.

Overall, it was a very nice show that didn’t run into any technical errors, which was nice. This stream was probably the one that felt the most like a real show since it’s so similar to what they normally do on tour. I’m sure all the hardcore fans appreciated the dedication to their debut album, especially since it sounds like the band had planned on doing a big show in their hometown before everything went down. I’m glad they decided to do it even if it’s not my favorite of their material. Hopefully, once the world gets itself under control I can go see these guys another dozen times.